Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Writing with a Fifth Grader

This year so far has been a blast with my daughter’s fifth graders English and writing assignments. We went with Rod and Staff English 5 this year. You can find it Here. I honestly bought mine off eBay. I LOVE buying used curriculum, but that's another post for another day. I love it for a few reasons. It is Bible based but not overly done. Some of the sentences are bible verses or things about Jesus so Christ is in our are daily work. I want Christ to be in everything we do but not to where the kids get overwhelmed with it. A good balance is needed, in my opinion. Secondly, I love how it gets to the point. We don't have to spend all day on the lesson, but we do need to learn. So, we do an oral review; move onto the lesson, and she finished with independent work. This has a writing assignment along with a challenge exercise for her to complete if she wants to earn bonus points for our class store. So Rod and Staff has won me over. Not the most fun thing we do, but how much fun can grammar be most the time? School House Rock memories are coming back to me! Who remembers these?

We are now about half way through the year and we have added in a wonderful book my daughter loves to read called Spilling Ink. It is written to speak to kids about their writing style and characters, so its fun to read for my daughter, but also she is learning how to develop her characters and let them speak to her inside her writing. It has great creative ideas to help her dig deeper into her writing. 

Also, I found a writing contest for her to enter in, first prize get a $50.00 gift card to Amazon! Along with other prizes like the Creative writer you can buy on Amazon. That motivated her to write a story 1,000 words or less and it had a writing prompt for her to start the story out with. I can't wait to hear back the winner!! So whether you are digging into grammar or trying to find great writing lessons out there, follow what your heart and your child tells you are right. I have really been enjoying my writing with a fifth grader! How about you? Anything you love about your child's english?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Turkey's Coming Out My Ears

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I am not overwhelmed with family or cooking or cleaning my house! I am being bombarded with Turkey Crafts!! From Pinterest to my home school group we have Turkey Projects running out of the faucets in this house!! So I thought I would share a few with you in case you are in need of some fun Turkey Project this coming week. 

First off we have this cute little Leaf Turkey's. You can find the directions here if you want them. http://blogs.babycenter.com/life_and_home/leaf-feather-turkeys-for-thanksgiving/

 Mine came out a little different. We live in Arizona and we don't have the option of going on a walk and finding beautiful fall leaves on the group. Could I interest you in a cactus thorn turkey??

This was simple and fun and I will be making Turkey Kits for all the kids in our home school group for our Thanksgiving Feast we will participate in on Monday. I hope the kids enjoy it as much as I did! 

Next we have Turkey Paint Rockets!! These look so amazing and I wish I had empty film canisters laying around but I don't and need to try and find some....maybe Hobby Lobby the Queen Mother of craft stores! Head over to here for a full tutorial on them! Super fun Turkey Art for the kids! 

Onto the Naked Turkey! This is one of my favorites! The kids get a Naked Turkey printed out on card stock and get to dress up their Naked Turkey however they want to, from a ballerina to a football player. Elvis to a farmer, the sky is the limits! So get out the craft supplies and Dress that Turkey! The Google document for the template for the Naked Turkey is on the blog link below. Have fun with it! 

Last but not least is the Thumbprint Turkey Craft!! This craft is easy and fun for all ages. My 10 year old and 8 year old love getting their fingers dirty!! They never get to put ink of their fingers on purpose! So they loved this! Here is the link I found to this super fun craft.

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share some Turkey Mania with you! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! Enjoy your day, I know I will! Pecan pie here I come! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Starting Out

I am starting this blog for a few reasons.....to keep my journey documented. Also, for my kids to look back and remember the journey we took throughout our home schooling journey. The Lord has led us down this path for a reason and I think we need to have an outlet to look back upon. Lastly, I wanted to share all the cool things we do and find with others that home school, are thinking about home schooling or just want to see what us crazy home schoolers really do all day!! No we do NOT do school in our pajamas everyday! Even though my kids would love it! 

Throw Back Thursday!! Is my now 8 year old!! How time flies when they are so darn cute and fun! Good thing I have a 4 month old to keep a baby face in the house. 

So as a welcome I thought I would let you all in on my classroom. My husband has been so wonderful with all the changes I have made to our home as we go down this home schooling road. I could not do this without his love and support! Thanks for saying YES to this crazy, wonderful, adventure babe!! Ok, here we go!

These are my kid's desks, that my husband made for them. The desk opens and has sections for them to hold notebooks, papers, folders, pens and rulers! I love these so much! 

This shelf holds all my goodies from art supplies to my stapler, it's all here for the most part, again crafted by my wonderful husband for me! 

My newest addition is this table!! Not made by my husband!! But this has been such a great addition to my room. We learn so much better when I can stand on the side to help with handwriting or math problems! I love this table!

This is my little whiteboard, a little small but it does the job! Behind me is our bookshelf, the last thing in my classroom that was handmade by my husband! He really does play a great roll in our school. 

Our school pets! Well some of them, we also have a snake and two turtles that are on my son's room. The fish are a nice calming addition to our classroom!

Add that's my classroom. It has a rug in the middle for the kids to sit on if they want to be right in front of the chalkboard, but they can see from my new awesome table!  I can not wait to share much more. My brain is turning with ideas!! Thanks for stopping by, I would love to see your school room too!! 
