Friday, June 13, 2014

Choices Overload!

I love homeschool! I cherish being able to pick and chose from what I want them to learn and how we learn. I wouldn't give up us being able to read Bible stories in the morning and have Jesus incorporated into our English curriculum! I also love that my son gets to hold his new baby sister as he journeys though his school day. 

          Who wouldn't want to hold a baby and do spelling at the same time?

BUT... Here comes the big fat ugly -BUT- you know you were waiting for! 

When I look at what other homeschool moms are using for their children the same age as mine, it is so hard not to compare what I am teaching my kids to what others kids are doing. Then the thinking starts in and I ponder to myself, "Is their choice better, is mine keeping my kids on track or ahead?"  "Why isn't my child that far in math?" The list goes on and on inside my head. It is not pretty! I am positive the mind of a woman never stops! 

As I take a long hard deep breath and take a step back to look at what my long term goals are for my family, I realize we are doing just fine, better than fine honestly. My children are learning; they are happy, healthy and in a safe and loving environment. What more could I ask for? We get all the important subjects done every day and also have the freedom to take the afternoon off. To travel on adventures such as hiking the mountains near our house, or spend the day exploring butterflies up close on a field trip with our homeschool group. They participate in holiday parties, geography class and chess clubs and the list goes on and on.

In the end I think we all should remember that no matter what the path we have chosen for our children's education whether we choose homeschool, online courses, private school or public school, most parents want the ultimate best for their children. When we make choices based off their best interest we can’t go wrong, right?

Does anyone else do this very same thing? I would love to know I am not alone! Have a blessed week! I am praying for you!
